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Masonların ve İlluminatinin Gizli Sembolleri
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Masonların ve İlluminati’nin Gizli Sembolleri

1 Amerikan Doları

US $1 bill: Tamamlanmamış piramit ve herşeyi gören göz (Horus’yn Gözü) sembolü. With the pyramid + All Seeing Eye on the left and the great seal on the right.

Pyramid & All Seeing Eye of the dollar bill: The text in Latin at the bottom means: “New Order of The Ages” or “New World Order”! (Yeni Dünya Düzeni. Merkezi Kudüs’ten yönetilen tek bir yeryüzü kırallığı.)

Pyramid & All Seeing Eye: “Tamamlanmamış Piramit” ve “Herşeyi Gören Göz”.  Latince “Annuit cœptis” (ænjuːɪt ˈsɛptɨs), “başlanmış bir işin tamamlanması” anlamına geliyor. “Novus Ordo Seclorum” ise,“New Order of the Ages”, yani “Yeni Dünya Düzeni” demek. İş, MDCCLXXVI’de; yani 1776. Adam Weishaupt tarafından İlluminati’nin kurulduğu yıl. (1 Mayıs 1776) İş’in tamamlanması demek, “Novus Ordo Secrum”un gerçekleşmesi, yani tüm yeryüzü devletlerinin birleştirilip başkenti Kudüs olan tek bir dünya krallığı kurmak.

“Mason”: The word “Mason” is found by drawing a hexagram. Piramidi düzlem alıp bir hexegram, yani Davud Yıldızı çizdiğinizde üçgenin kenarlarının işaret ettiği yazılar, M-A-S-O-N harflerini oluşturuyor. Yani: “Mason” kelimesini.

666 on $ bill: How the number 666 is found through the Roman numerals marked on the base of the pyramid. Simply read from left to right and arrange the numerals in triangles. Add up numerals of each base.

Üç adet üçgen çizip, piramitin üstündeki roma rakamlarını üçgenin en üstünden başlayacak şekilde üçgenlere yerleştirdiğimizde piramitin altında kalan rakamlar: D-C, L-X ve V-I.

D=500 ve C=100 (Toplam 600)
L=50 ve X=10 (Toplam 60)
V=1 ve I=1 (Toplam 6)

( D + C ) + ( L + X ) + ( V + I )  =
600 + 60 + 6 = 666.

İncil’in “Vahiy” bölümünde geçen Deccal (Anti-Christ) ‘in simgesi. Yani Hıristiyanlığa göre Deccal’in sembolü. Tesadüf mü bilinmez ama, yine piramitin üstündeki işaretlerden her şeyi gören tek göz, İslamiyet’te de Deccal’in simgesi.

“İşte bilgelik. Bırak anlayanlar canavarın sayısını hesaplasınlar: İnsan için sayısı; onun sayısı altıyüz, üç yirmi ve altıdır.” (İncil’in Vahiy Bölümü, 13:18)

“Deccal, TEK GÖZLÜ’dür.” (Hadis-i Şerif, Buharî, Enbiya: 3; Rüya: 11.)

Great seal of America: With 13 arrows, 13 leaves, and 13 stripes on the shield, the number 13 symbolizing the Luciferian revolt. And 33 feathers on each of the wings, symbolizing the 33 degrees of freemasonry. The flower of life type symbol on top contains a hexagram.

Yine 1 Amerikan Doları’ndaki Herşeyi Gören Göz ve Tamamlanmamış Piramit’in sağındaki işaret. Kartalın çevresidneki herşey, 13 rakamıyla çerçevlenmiş. Bir pençesinde 13 yaprak, diğer pençesinde 13 ok, ortadaki Amerikan bayrağında 13 şerit, kafasının üstünde ise 13 yıldız bulunuyor. Yani Lucifer’in (Şeytan’ın simgesi.)  Yine 13 yıldızın içine gizlenmiş gizli bir hexegram, yani Davud Yıldızı sembolü var. Kartalın her kanadında 33 tüy var ve Mason’luğun en yüksek derecesini belirtiyor.

The Great Seal with a phoenix: At the origin, a phoenix was used for the seal instead of the eagle. The phoenix amongst other things symbolizes rebirth. Because the Phoenix stands for being destroyed in flames and then rising from the ashes, for the Illuminati it symbolizes Lucifer.

Para ilk tasarlanırken bu hayvan aslında kartal değil Phoenixmiş. Çünkü Phoenix yeniden doğuşu simgeleyen mitolojik bir canlıdır. Yanmış ve külleri içinden tekrar yükselmiştir. İlluminati için bunun Lucifer’i sembolize ediyor.

UN emblem: The UN emblem showing a globe with latitude and longitude lines outlining 33 fields, symbolizing the 33 degrees of Freemasonry.

US flag proposition: One of the first propositions for the American (confederates) flag, with the All Seeing Eye.

Disk of Akhenaten: In fact, the first proposition of the confederates flag was also inspired on the disc of Akhenaten, represented by rays.

US flag proposition: Another proposition for the American flag, also with the All Seeing Eye.

Obelisk: No, this is not a world famous obelisk like those in Washington DC, Paris, or the Vatican, but just one of the zillions that can be found all over the world in other towns outside of Egypt. This one can be found in Faro. The obelisk stands for the male sex and therefore symbolises the male creative principle.

OTO logo: With a Horus type of All Seeing Eye and an inverted dove, symbol of destruction.

Pope with sun rays: This is one of the ways the pope used to be depicted. Also think of the rays on the NY “freedom” statue (actually representing Semiramis).

Circle and point logo for Portugese paper: The circle with a point in the middle is an important freemason and illuminati symbol representing fertility. The point symbolizes the male principle impregnating the female, symbolized by the circle. Here it can be found just before the name of the Portugese version of “The Independent”.

St Peter’s square with obelisk: In the middle of the Vatican’s St Peter’s square an obelisk has been placed. Seen from above the square represents a dot in a circle, thus doubling the fertility symbolism while the segmented circle also refers to the zodiac. Never mind that astrology is outlawed by the Catholic church… The obelisk was originally brought to Rome by Caligula in the 1st century AD, but it was Pope Sixtus V who had it resurrected in this particularly symbolic way in the 16th century.

Masonların ve İlluminati’nin Gizli Sembolleri II

Major Masonic symbol: The square represents the male impregnating the female, which is represented by the square. The G stands for “the big architect”.

G. Washington in mason gear.

G. Washington as Baphomet

Masonic ritual.

Freemasons Hall, London: Major masonic temple in London.

Temple Pannetier-Grand Orient, France: Masonic temple in Paris, France.

Structure of freemasonry chart: Note that this chart shows the 33rd degree as the highest degree. However, there are higher degrees that are even secret to most masons.

Memphis 33 logo: Note the motto “Ordo ab chao”, meaning“Order out of chaos”. The motto on the banner below means “God and my right”.

Tapestry in Vatican, with all seeing eye: Even in the Vatican freemasonic symbols can be found.

Tapestry in Vatican, with enneagram: An enneagram is outlined, as well as several other geometric patterns, like Metatron’s cube.

Illuminati pyramid structure: Overview of the pyramidal structure that allows the Illuminati to rule the world. Illustration taken from David Icke’s “The Biggest Secret”.

Washington DC inverted pentagram: An inverted pentagram (that is slightly deformed) was designed in the streets around the White House (with the White House at its tip), as well as the image of an owl, both major Illuminati symbols.

Washington DC inverted pentagram: With a higher resolution.

Capitol owl: The owl depicted by the streets and park around the Capitol of Washington DC.

Metatron cube variation in Washington’s streets: The streets of Washington also outline some elements of Metatron’s cube, although slightly deformed.

The Eternal Flame: This is a major Illuminati symbol, found in many, many places and formats. It is often used as a signature by the Illuminati. It symbolizes various things, amongst which Lucifer, the light bearer.

Bush holding the eternal flame at Prometheus statue: Olympic Games ceremony with Bush carrying the “eternal flame” – a major Illuminati symbol – at the Prometheus statue – another Illuminati symbol. Prometheus symbolizes the revolt against – what some call – God (in his case: Zeus)… This statue shows Promotheus carrying a lighted torch: the eternal flame.

Fasces in the American congress: In the American congress two fasces can be seen hanging on the wall.

Fasces: The fasces respresents a bundle of twigs bound together with an axe. It symbolizes how individuality is sacrificed for power through collectivity. It’s at the origin of the word “fascism”…

NATO swastika: The resemblance between the NATO logo and the NAZI swastika should not be seen as a mere coincidence.

Flags backwards on American uniforms: The uniforms of the soldiers sent to Iraq are decorated with a reversed American flag. On the one hand this is completely in accord with military protocol, even if being a complete exception to the usual flag code. It appears only on the right arm, and represents the US flag when carried and moving forwards, with the stripes therefore waving backwards behind the pole. On the other hand it conveniently falls in the category of the reversed pentagram, cross, dove, etc… which stand for the Satanic principle.

The entrence of the Guild Hall, London: Of interest is the seal figuring right beneath the flag above the entrance, representing two winged dragons.

Queen’s shield at Guild Hall, London: One of the Queen’s shields, representing a winged dragon, probably refering to the Queens reptilian decendancy…

Winged dragon at entrance City: In London winged dragons can be found all over the place. Here is one at the entrance of the City of London, which is the financial centre.

The black sun: The sun and zodiac circle at the entrance of a financial building in the City of London. The black sun represents the malevolent use of the sun’s energy as well as the “galactic sun”.


Masonların ve İlluminati’nin Gizli Sembolleri III

Blavatsky emblem: The emblem of the theosophical society, created by Blavatsky.

John Dee Monad: Rendition of the elements by John Dee. These can be found in many variations.

Vesica Pescis: The vesica pescis (fish bladder) is formed by the intersection of 2 circles (see inner circles). It’s one of the basic principles of sacred geometry.

Eliphas Levi, Solomon seal: Containing 4 evangelical symbols within the hexagram.

Artemis & 7 seals: Artemis, with 8 times a hexagram (formed by 7 dots) around him.


The horned god and his hand sign.

Bush makes the horned sign: On a live TV show.

Bush makes the horned sign.

Bush makes the horned sign.

Clinton makes the devil sign.

Princes Margaret makes the devil sign.

Prince William makes the devil sign.

Sign language for “I love you”: Deaf folks use the devil sign to say “I love you”. How cynical…

Bush signing with three fingers.

Saddam signing with three fingers.

Sign of Excommunication: This sign is used by several people, including the pope. It signifies ex-communication, in other words cursing the people to whom the sign is made.


Ekleyen:Yahya Polatkan
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